Law firm offices are open, but no one is in a hurry to come back; How to call juries in person during COVID-19; Law firm sues alleging flawed PPP loan advice: Morning Minute


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STAY AWAY – If Atlanta is any indication, it appears that the contingent of attorneys and law firm staff want to go back to the office remains in the minority. As Reports by Meredith Hobbs, most of the city’s businesses reopened their offices for a voluntary return in June, but so far most lawyers and employees have chosen to stay at home. For example, at Bryan Cave, according to local managing partner Eric Schroeder, only 20 or 25 of the firm’s 190 lawyers and employees come every day. But, as was the case back in june, companies do not push the problem either. “Anyone can come to the office, but we don’t encourage that,” Schroeder said. “It’s perfectly normal for people to stay at home. Fisher Phillips President Roger Quillen said his company “has made no effort to return to normal work in our Atlanta office.”

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